Monday, March 22, 2010

One night stand...

It wasn't intended to be, but that is what it was. I saw a girl at the lake near my mother's house. I managed to get her phone number (from her father) and called her up. I'll call her by her initials... SL. We were both in highschool, but she lived across town. For weeks our relationship progressed entirely over the phone. We had never met. One day, we decided we should. I got my older brother to drop me off at her house. Her parents were working. We kissed a lot. We talked. The subject turned to sex. She was a virgin, I was not. One thing led to another and we were naked on the bottom bunk of the beds in her room. I was on top of her.... we had not planned this out so I had not brought a condom. My real life girlfriend (now my wife) was home doing whatever she was doing while I was taking the virginity of a girl I had literally just met face to face for the first time. We had lots of talk over the phone about seeing each other and doing it again, but it never worked out.

We are friends now on Facebook. Neither of us have ever brought it up. I added her, she accepted. We've not even talked... not even online. We just sit there on each other's FB friend list. She was one of only three women I have had sex with. I wonder if she ever thinks about me... if she even realizes who I am or if she is one of those people who accept every invite. We're both married now. It wouldn't matter anyway.

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